Chiesi pro doorzoeken  

Terms of use

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Unless an express written declaration is provided by Chiesi, all content of the website ( is protected, in terms of use, and total and partial reproduction and diffusion, by the exclusive intellectual property rights, patent, brand, copyright, and intellectual property rights of Chiesi itself and the third parties referred to on the website. The website user has no right to any financial gain resulting from the content belonging to the Chiesi and third parties referred to on the website, nor with reference to brands, patents, technologies, products, processes, and any other intellectual and industrial property right. The users undertake to hold Chiesi indemnified against all complaints, damages, liability, legal proceedings, and any other prejudicial consequence deriving from the violation of regulations relating to third-party rights, such as (solely by way of example) copyright, brands, patents, intellectual, and industrial property rights, unfair competition, and defamation, which these former are responsible for during navigation of the website and use of its contents. 

Guarantees and limits to liability

Chiesi has prepared the information contained in this website ( to the best of its knowledge and with the greatest professional diligence and takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, inconsistencies, incompleteness, or mistakes on this website. The information contained on the website ( and in those linked to it is purely for information purposes and do not in any way replace the relationship already in existence between private individuals and their physician. Any type of information must therefore be discussed with one's physician. Chiesi reserves the right to modify this website at any time without any prior notice.

Neither Chiesi nor any other third-party company that may be involved in the creation, realization, and publication of this website and all others linked to it may be held responsible in any way for any direct or incidental damages resulting from or indirectly resulting from access to, use of or failure to use this website and others linked to it, or for any error or omission in its contents.

Promotion and solicitation to purchase

The information contained in this website is not for promotional purposes, nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation to prescribe, purchase, or supply or market or any other transaction with regard to products distinguished by the Chiesi brand.


The links to third-party sites are only published on this site for the convenience of the user. Chiesi expressly declines any responsibility with regard to the information arising from third-party sources and its use. 

Modifications to these conditions of use

Chiesi reserves the right to review the terms and conditions of use and access to the website without prior notice by updating this text. Visitors are bound by these revisions and therefore obliged to periodically consult these Terms and Conditions to become aware of any updates.


Le contenu de cette page est exclusivement destiné aux professionels de santé en Belgique et au Grand-Duché du Luxembourg.

Sur la base du code de conduit pour la publicité des medicaments, Chiesi ne peut partager certaines information qu’avec seulement des professionels de santé.

Pagina beoordelen

Wij zijn benieuwd naar uw mening en ervaring. Om die reden vragen wij u om een beoordeling achter te laten.
